


The Welfare of Farmed Fish

105/09/30 瀏覽次數 1083
In his Centre for Animal Welfare and Anthrozoology, he has developed concepts and methods of scientific assessment of animal welfare and studied: cognitive abilities of animals, the welfare of farmed and other animals in relation to housing and transport, behaviour problems of pets, sustainable livestock production, attitudes to animals and ethics of animal usage.

He has published over 300 refereed papers, lectured on animal welfare in 45 countries and served on UK (FAWC and APC) and Council of Europe committees. He has been Chairman or Vice Chairman of EU Scientific Committees on Animal Welfare 1990 – 2009 and a member of the EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Welfare until June 2012. He chaired the O.I.E. group on Welfare of Animals during Land Transport.

Amongst his nine books are Stress and Animal Welfare (Broom and Johnson, 1993, Kluwer), Coping with Challenge: Welfare in Animals including Humans (Broom ed., 2001, Berlin: Dahlem University Press), The Evolution of Morality and Religion (2003, Cambridge University Press), Sentience and Animal Welfare (2014, CABI), and Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare, 5th edition, (Broom and Fraser, 2015, CABI).

The Omics in the Ocean – The 7th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology