



111/10/04 瀏覽次數 960

Elephant’s Urination Time and Wombat’s Cubic Feces Mammals maintain the flow of nutrition by various forms of fluid such as urine and processed food, and feces. How do animals process and excrete the flow, from mice to elephants? In this talk, I will present that urine is accelerated by gravity in the urethra, which serves as a siphon in the urinary system. Larger animals such as elephants urinate as fast as their smaller counterparts, such as cats. Besides the urination time, I will also present an extreme case of animal processing food in the intestine. Wombat’s have cubic feces inside the last segment of the intestine. The intestinal wall has non-uniform elasticity, thus the contraction of intestine molds four corners. These studies shed light on non-invasive diagnosis of digestive diseases in humans and optimal transport strategies in soft tissue. 大象的排尿時間和袋熊的立方體糞便 哺乳動物透過各種形式的液體(例如尿液和食品處理以及糞便)來維持養分的流動。動物(小如老鼠,到大如大象)是如何處理和排泄的呢? 在本次演講中,楊教授將介紹在尿道中受到重力加速的尿液,如同泌尿系統中的虹吸管。 大象等大型動物的排尿速度與貓等小型動物的排尿速度一樣快。 除了排尿時間,她還會介紹一個動物在腸道內處理食物的極端案例; 袋熊在腸道的最後一段有立方體糞便。因其腸壁具有不均勻的彈性,因此腸的收縮形成了四個角。 這些研究揭示了人類消化系統疾病的非侵入性診斷和軟組織中的最佳運輸策略。 More information is in the BBC and PBS news http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-34278595 https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/wombats-poop-cubes/
