Eric Mazur|
Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, HARVARD UNIVERSITY, USA
我們可以教創新嗎?創新需要運用全腦思維–運用右腦來進行創造力和想像力的思維,以及運用左腦來進行計畫和執行的思維。我們目前的科技教育方式,著重於訊息的轉換,主要是通過強行複製和重現現有的想法,而不是產生新的思維。演講中Prof. Eric Mazur 展示如何將授課的重點從傳遞訊息轉移到團隊合作和創造性思維,因此可以極大地改善課堂上的學習方式並提升學生的獨立思考能力。
Can we teach innovation? Innovation requires whole-brain thinking - right-brain thinking for creativity and imagination, and left-brain thinking for planning and execution. Our current approach to education in science copying and reproducing existing ideas rather than generating new ones. Prof. Eric Mazur will show how shifting the focus in lectures from delivering information to team work and creative thinking greatly improves the learning that takes place in the classroom and promotes independent.